What is the Fee for treatment?

Our Fees

New Patient $65- Concess $60-

Return Treatment $55- Concess $50-

All our appointments are inclusive without extra charges for acupuncture or Shockwave

What treatments do you do?

We have a utilize a large number of techniques to treat your condition. this includes, manipulation, soft tissue massage, dry needling, Shockwave, Activator, Chinese cupping.

Will I get treatment on my first visit?

In a simple answer, Yes. We always deliver treatment on every visit. However if is unsafe to treat you or we cannot help your condition, we would refrain from treatment and refer you to the help you need.

Can I use my private health cover?

Chiropractic treatment is covered by private health as an extras benefit. The amount your private health covers does vary depending on your policy. For further details it is best to contact your health insurance provider.

Do you need an X-ray prior to my appointment?

In a word no. If we need to refer you for an x-ray we can do it when you come for your appointment. All our x-ray refferals are bulk billed through Medicare.

If you do have x-rays or an imaging report please bring them to your appointment.

Is there a gap for Medicare/EPC treatments?

No. We dont charge a gap for Medicare/EPC visits.